Monday, December 26, 2011
tips on negotiation
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
showcase your career portfolio
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Setting the Path

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Identifying Difficult People
Friday, September 9, 2011
competency framework
a.The underlying characteristics of a person which result in effective and superior performance in a job (Kemp 1980)
b. an underlying characteristics of a person that contributes towards job performance.( Boyatzis(1982)
c. Competency is a set of behaviour patterns that the incumbents needs to bring to a position in order to perform its tasks and functions with competence. ( Woodruffer ( Rosemary boam)
- it concerns with behaviour, it is overt,
1.2 Importance of definition
- to guide the search for the specific competencies( rosemary brown mcgrawhill(92).
- enable theoritical contributions
1.3 Competencies and technical skills
Boam suggested that technical skill to not mixed up with competencies.
1.4 Generic Competencies
Universal competencies for ‘ top management’ ( Thornton and Byham 1982)
oral presentation
written presentation
organisation sensitivity
Organisation awareness and adaptibility
risk taking
1.5 Supra competencies ( Dulewics 1989)
The competencies are clustered
- Intellectual strategic perspective
- analysis and judgement
- planning and organising
2. Interpersonnal persuasiveness
- asseriveness
- oral communication
3. adaptibility
4. Result orientation - energy and iniatives
- business sense
- achievement motivated
1.6 Competencies clusters
By domains
- cognitive
- human
- technical professional
by roles -
- leadership
1.7 Determinants of competencies
1.8 Future Orientation
The effective job performance is the interactive result of three factors:
- Individual competencies
- Job Demands
- Orgnisational Environment
Effective job performance is the attainment of the specific results required by the job through specific action whilst maintaining consistency with policy and procedure.
Boyatzis (1982)
The purpose is to identify the required competencies for the job.
It involves job analysis method.
-structured- position analysisi questiomaires
- semi structured- Critical incidents
a. observation
If unsufficient time, observation to be limited to good employee.
b. Diaries
The actual task per they day are recorded on hourly basis.
c. interview.
structured or unstructured.
d. Critical incident technique
longest established method, 50 years
Describe the occasion you did extremely well.
To measure the extends to which the competencies are held by the individuals
a. analogous method
use of activities directly related to the job- eg groupexercise/ role play,psychomotor
b. analytical method
c. reputational approach
Use othe rpeople to access competencies, reference , supv
d. miscellaneous approach.
To develop the staff competencies to meet the future needs of the company.
Conceptual Approach
1. Identify the critical future job family
- Strategic
- Tactical
- Operational
2. Identify the competency profile for the job family
3. Assess the staff competency
-it is further divided according to the function.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Job skills - as you can easily develop your personal skills inventory
Before you send in an application, consider your own personal and professional strengths and weaknesses to write a review. Knowing which areas are your strongest gives you trust, and your will impress future employers. And to know your weaknesses helps you avoid, come from so overconfident or cocky - trains, which can be a turn-off for employers who look set to someone that fits well with their organization.
Inventory your skill set
If you do not know what are your skills, you need to show a hard time an employer, what are your skills. This may seem obvious, but many people are so modest is accustomed to their skills and accomplishments, that it is not even time identify their skills take, let alone develop the ability, they present to others. You can be have modest - it is indeed important, as well as your set of skills and abilities while you show (but not show).
You want not as inflated come from, or think you are "everything, what", but neither should your skills in a certain downplaying self-deprecating. If you will be asked about your strengthen, or what sets you apart from other candidates, confident, direct response be prepared with one. Also should your CV and write to an understanding of your strongest skills and points appear selling point.
Hard skills, soft skills
Generally, skills can be divided into two main areas:
"Hard" skills are specific, task-oriented skills, which can be measured and quantified. Enter the height of the qualification or certification with a software application or mechanical equipment, speed, etc..
"Soft" skills are more intangible, but equally important. A team player, without supervision will work and an "even" Starter (identify and do things, which must be carried out automatically) are all examples of soft skills such as organization, enthusiasm and communication skills.
Here some tips for making an inventory are skill set of your:
Previous employment
Make a complete list of all your past employers and the skills you at all the positions, learned that held you. Provide even seemingly trivial details. You have to learn how to fix the copier when it broke? Set in the list under mechanical skills. Were the purchase of ice cream cake, if someone in the retirement or a baby? Listed by vendor relations.
It may seem frivolous, but make a list of your hobbies and recreational activities for your entire life and see the skills you acquired. If you were responsible for the persecution of the average values for a Bowling League, or games for a church or Office softball team plan, shows that not only a talent for organization, but also initiative in volunteering to take over.
And the nature of the school activities can also be said hard range chosen you (or an employer) much about themselves. Were you in the Committee? Writing for the school newspaper? Member of the chess club or planning of Homecoming dance? All these activities require specific interests and specific knowledge instill. And you never know what seemingly small detail meant a lot for a potential employer.
What do you want
Take a hard look at the list of things you'd like to do and things to do you good. It can give you some new insights about the nature of the career that you would be most appropriate. And choose the skills on your list, specifically specified on the applicable job you are looking for. If you a way to working your resume, cover letter or interview in can find, you are your ability to sell to strengthen your suitability for the job to a potential employer.
If you see, look at it
Knowledge, your skills is only the first step. The next step is the certainty that your prospective employer knows it. After you have gone skill set and familiar with her about your, you are in a better position, immediately answer skill-related questions with answers, the employer, which you see in your career command of your skills set and ready show, are to bring it to bear.
John Glover for years helped people find work. On his website [], he offers tips on how to find and keep that perfect job. If you go from "Fired" "Hired" of tomorrow want to register then you in John's free 10 day job hunting course today at
Friday, June 10, 2011
Job skills - life lessons applied to achieve career goals
That's right! Also search for work at the local drugstore teenager has skills fit the position they are looking for. Believe not me? We take a look on the average life span of a person from age 0 (zero) to 15.
Now obviously there's not much you have earned, that you can remember your life in the first few days or even years, but that doesn't mean that your brain unconsciously they anyway not. Of as you can see things through touch, sight and sound to just different words, these are the skills that will come into play in any given job situation.
Let's fast forward us some years elementary school. You remember the days of read, write and count, right? Of course you do. The ability, this seemingly simple tasks and your success rate they achieve exactly is yet another valuable set of skills are counted in your arsenal. Maybe you were a reader and devoured everything that came your way; You can refer certainly this to, which requires thorough research skills. Were you a writer? Paper certainly get noticed in editorial positions in later life applying for an internship with a local newspaper or even a school.
To remember the important thing is that any skill, you on the way to your dream career get a job skill in the making. The only what you need to do, is the right application for find for your specific set. Away, a great orator, does your grade class President, even something as small as the fight in areas you Excel tuition. These are to shine all opportunities and grow in your current skills. The best advice for the way is open be. Any opportunity that comes your way allows a more open door way to way to go. Are you ready?
Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for the MBA journal. Aveta solutions - Six Sigma online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for six sigma black belts, to lean green belts and yellow belt.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Job skills - your new training would be closer than you think
When it comes to new job skills, learn how to find career, or more preparation for what has to offer the world of work, you can use many different resources that need the information and training, you. One of the best resources you will find is when you consider that all the information and help, you free, your local library. The library on your site is a great way to help in your career search or ability building without to pay money to classes or resourceful buy tools that could help.
Many different things offer to their local library. If you not have access to print, copy or fax services have at home, you can find them here. You can also find job seminars and again workshops that are planned by your library at certain times. When it comes to the resources you need in the career world, you should check the great free in your area. However, keep in mind that the library is not the only place, that you will find great information. It is to use other great resources for you as well.
Each city or County has a Department of by job services, although it might go by a different name. Mach you worry you about what it means, because all that matters is what it does for you. This is not the Welfare Office, and it is not only for poor people or the an underclass, so these misconceptions of early wipe on your opinion. The public support, available free of charge is immeasurable, helping you to find a job in such a stagnant economy. Make sure that you take the time to consider this, you use resources for career as one of your options with something else.
If you can life, in a city with an adult education center or a community college you these places, as well as check. Although possibly a little money to find payable resources career and participate in workshops or classes in these places is well made it definitely an investment, and because you are a member of the community the cost should be quite reasonable. It doesn't matter where you choose to go, because these great resources, which are either free or cheap a good way, your job capacity building and the search are always optimal. Why pay big bucks for "specific" courses or seminars "exclusive", if it all rights, and is almost free?
Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for the MBA journal. Aveta solutions - Six Sigma online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for six sigma black belts, to lean green belts and yellow belt.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Do you have a Facebook account? Note your social-media "Footprint".
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The other day, I linked to an article touting the use of social media as a necessary component in a successful job hunt strategy. Like all things in life however, social media platforms like Facebook can have a downside, particularly for those either gainfully employed already or attempting to secure lucrative employment.
From the Sydney Morning Herald:
Your potential new boss may have already checked you out on Facebook.
A new survey by recruitment firm Robert half has found that more than a third of employers in accounting and finance admit to checking potential candidates' Facebook profiles before offering them a job.
"Given this reality, candidates need to be aware of their social media 'footprint' when applying for jobs," Robert half director Andrew Brushfield said, releasing the survey findings on Wednesday.
"As a general rule of thumb, if there is anything online that employees do not want their colleagues or bosses to see, they should remove it."
The survey also found 23 per cent of employers are using social media to recruit, while a third of employees say they are comfortable being "friends" with their boss on sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
Still, the survey found that 36 per cent of surveyed employees in the finance and accounting industry have seen the use of social networking sites damage other people's workplace relationships.
"While social media has helped foster a more interactive and sociable working environment, it is completely blurring the boundary between people's personal and professional lives," Mr. Brushfield said.
My advice? Exercise common sense. It might be advisable to create one profile with your given name to be kept strictly professional (meaning, you avoid posting intimate details about your personal life), and one profile using a nickname to be devoted exclusively to fun things like your latest adventures with the girls on a wild weekend cruise.
Girls (and guys) might want to have fun when away from the office, but if they're serious about their careers, they'll keep their private and professional lives separate on social media platforms.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
survival guide for Skype interview
Anne Fisher on CNN Money grabs a job interviews dilemma for the 21st century - how you a good impression to a potential employer during a Skype interview to make. Funny, only a few years ago such a phenomenon was non-existent in the business world, but as technology progresses, so also our ability to effectively customize must:
Bill Rosenthal says already Skype interviews are almost replace employer phone of screening, so candidates before the check-out, or even instead of, a personal sit down.
Rosenthal Chief Executive of Communispond, a 42-year-old coaching company, teaches communication skills to executives. His six tips to project the right persona in cyberspace:
1. Select a professional username. How to with an e-Mail address you use for company use a Skype account with a moniker like hotpants33 or partyanimal2011 a stupid idea.
2. Practice in the conversation with your computer. Meeting or interview, "Make sure that you are familiar with the technology," suggests a Skype before Rosenthal. "Practice using it." "Rehearse with a friend."
3. Arrange the right setting. Would you against a transparent background without distracting objects to see movement and sound. "It should not be light behind you, because your face is dark," says Rosenthal. "Monitor you have to move."
4. Block out interruptions. Turn your mobile phone, of course, but even if you are Skype-ing from home, banish you your family and pets for the duration. Like an old school phone interview, do howling dogs and importuning children no favours.
5. Back up A little. "Move not too close to the monitor." Show only your face does not want, "says Rosenthal."
6. Make (virtual) eye contact. Look at the computer screen instead of the camera while you speak you make seem shifty. But "not unblinkingly the camera fixed to" either, will make just who you look strange.
"Be sustainable as in a live aware meeting or interview, that the first impression you will make," Rosenthal notes. So, for a job interview, make sure you look the part: "Although the company has the reputation of being relaxed and casual, wear a suit." Some things never change.
Keys to improve your job skills
One of the issues in jobs skills improvement is to decide which skills set to improve. There is no point to horn up the skills that are of no benefit. The the thinking process to select the critical had to be structured and analysed.
There are many ways to improve your job skills. The first is to keep looking. Be dedicated and passionate about the work that you do and then slowly things are good to work and go on the right track. Basically you need to just get your hands dirty and start resting on something instead of growing waiting for the job. Get know what are your business goals and then proactive a role within the company to ensure that you get your tasks are made properly.
Intelligent research
To improve your job skills, you need more research on passion. If your job is on the sale of ice, by all means, go and do some research about what are people in these days that business impact your entire ice. You say more and more people are becoming less and less comfortable in the ice cream with the amount of sugar, that well implemented be time for you to this ground as a problem or a ground-breaking idea, then, perhaps set your superiors. Who knows, you could get promoted immediately and will apply to this new initiative! Few tasks are still harder than people with huge online resource from the Internet are equipped. Basically find online for free everything else everyone.
Seek counsel of professional communities
Another way to join a professional community is specialized in the areas of your job to do, instead of research. Social media helps such as Facebook or Twitter play with the same interests, under a joint network, where flow freely ideas, discussions and comments enable a role in the people. Their group of people to find and be an active member when booking queries or feedback for others. The where similar interests are joining this type of community and discuss issues and open learning shared about the latest events including the new guidelines, trends or business risks are up to date and relevant to your field.
Get your hands dirty
Next is the key step to ensure that you make on your way to great improvements which the hands are dirty on something on your job. Some actions rather than ask someone who do it for you. Learn you provide, as together you work things out for the first time progress. Not shy you try new things or ideas to experiment as you need it to grow in your career. After all, no pain, no gain and no risk drinker. So, not only because you sit and ask for help, try, do it yourself first before all else fails. Soon you will discover much more about the work and the role you play.
Professional choices
Professional decisions if required to do. As an example, if your customer new requirements change one asked, and you gave a noncommittal answer about not to know if would be allowed, certainly not in the position, would you be something anywhere. By the fact that you are not to your customers to offer positive statement of assurance and it goes further to show that you don't mind, or know not enough or have enough skills or knowledge to follow through. Still another example, if your boss asks for estimated duration for the completion of a task, and once again you know not answers, it would be plain show that you made never enough thought or all plans with the aim, step by step in your job.
Study your own mistakes
Last but, but not least, have one to always a self-service function check, to identify any errors on a job done and in the direction they no longer repeat destination. Other than that if it your own personal weaknesses, hard to break, make every effort to improve by any means available. Their way of life to improve, your health, to improve beat stress and etc. Develop an awareness of your environment against what you do, and she could help you to track, where the real problems are imperceptibly.
Check on my site:
Personal growth through essential job skills.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Get the Job You Want - Identify Your Strengths and Skills By Waller Jamison
By Waller Jamison/ Article Source:
If you are trying to get the job you want but have had no success, try identifying your career strengths and skills.
Everyone has certain strengths and if you want to find yours, take a look at the jobs and activities in which you have done well. You don't need to limit your list to tasks you've carried out at work, you can include strengths observed in any aspect of your life.
Strengths can include skills and personal qualities. Let's start with skills. You will probably have a number of skills which are specific to your career or past jobs. For example, if you are a nurse, you may be skilled in certain procedures or in working with patients with a particular illness or on a specialist ward. If you are a teacher you may be skilled at dealing with disruptive pupils or working with children who was special educational needs.
You'll also have a range of soft skills, which are in big demand by many employers these days. The good thing about soft skills is that you will have many of them without realizing it and they can be transferred from one job to another. One of the most important soft skills are communication skills, which include both verbal and writing skills. Another is the ability to relate well to other people, both c0-workers and customers. And others include teamwork, the ability to work under pressure and on your own initiative.
Personal qualities might be patience, a cheerful attitude, determination or confidence, all of which can have a positive influence on the way your perform your job.
You will have had many different roles over the years and in each of them you will have developed skills which can be transferred to other areas of your life. Let's look at a couple of these.
All adults have been students at some point, whether at school or college and will have honed a few solid transferable skills in the process. These include computer skills, time management skills, such as meeting deadlines and communication skills when writing assignments or giving presentations.
If you are a parent you will also have many organizational skills, such as prioritizing and forward planning. You'll also probably be pretty good at problem solving and conflict resolution.
So, the first step is to look at your different roles and work out which skills and attributes you have used to good effect. However, listing these strengths on your resume or in your interview won't get you far. The trick is to use examples which prove that you have used them.
Being clear about your own strengths, identifying your transferable skills and highlighting them will put you in a strong position when it comes to getting hired.
For more careers advice and tips to help you get a job, check out our articles at: Need to knock your CV or résumé into shape? Download your free ebook now. Article Source: |
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011
transferable skills
Another names of transferable skills can be:
- common skills
- generic skills
While we agreed that there are no common description or identification of transferable skills, the common ones are as follows:
a. Basic IT skill - such as the three desk top applications used for writing report, managing the figures and the presentations software.
The common office applications can be the Microsoft Office.
b.Communication Skills - the written and verbal communication.
c. Managing Projects.
The video from the career company, gives slightly different perspective.