Friday, September 9, 2011

competency framework

Organization normally builds its own competency framework to support it business. The components of the framework will be:
- competencies definition
- competencies level
- the clustering

The framework can be arranged in the following way:
- the core competencies that cut across the organisation
- the functional competencies
- the role competencies


a.The underlying characteristics of a person which result in effective and superior performance in a job (Kemp 1980)

b. an underlying characteristics of a person that contributes towards job performance.( Boyatzis(1982)

c. Competency is a set of behaviour patterns that the incumbents needs to bring to a position in order to perform its tasks and functions with competence. ( Woodruffer ( Rosemary boam)

- it concerns with behaviour, it is overt,

1.2 Importance of definition

- to guide the search for the specific competencies( rosemary brown mcgrawhill(92).

- enable theoritical contributions

1.3 Competencies and technical skills

Boam suggested that technical skill to not mixed up with competencies.

1.4 Generic Competencies

Universal competencies for ‘ top management’ ( Thornton and Byham 1982)

oral presentation

written presentation

organisation sensitivity

Organisation awareness and adaptibility


risk taking



1.5 Supra competencies ( Dulewics 1989)

The competencies are clustered

- Intellectual strategic perspective

- analysis and judgement

- planning and organising

2. Interpersonnal persuasiveness

- asseriveness

- oral communication

3. adaptibility

4. Result orientation - energy and iniatives

- business sense

- achievement motivated

1.6 Competencies clusters

By domains

- cognitive

- human

- technical professional

by roles -

- leadership

1.7 Determinants of competencies

1.8 Future Orientation


The effective job performance is the interactive result of three factors:

- Individual competencies

- Job Demands

- Orgnisational Environment

Effective job performance is the attainment of the specific results required by the job through specific action whilst maintaining consistency with policy and procedure.

Boyatzis (1982)


The purpose is to identify the required competencies for the job.

It involves job analysis method.


-structured- position analysisi questiomaires

- semi structured- Critical incidents


a. observation

If unsufficient time, observation to be limited to good employee.

b. Diaries

The actual task per they day are recorded on hourly basis.

c. interview.

structured or unstructured.

d. Critical incident technique

longest established method, 50 years

Describe the occasion you did extremely well.


To measure the extends to which the competencies are held by the individuals

a. analogous method

use of activities directly related to the job- eg groupexercise/ role play,psychomotor

b. analytical method

c. reputational approach

Use othe rpeople to access competencies, reference , supv

d. miscellaneous approach.



To develop the staff competencies to meet the future needs of the company.

Conceptual Approach

1. Identify the critical future job family

- Strategic

- Tactical

- Operational

2. Identify the competency profile for the job family

3. Assess the staff competency

-it is further divided according to the function.