1. Technical Skill - mainly in relation to the production of products, either physical or services.
2. Human skill - or social skill, it is about maintaining harmonious relationship with other co-workers. The skill helps to bind the people as a team and works to achieve a common goal.
3. Conceptual skills - about abstract constructs or ideas.
One of the skills within the human skill is on how to deal with difficult person. Unfortunately we will meet a person who appears to enjoy making things difficult for us. A difficult person can fall into the following categories.
a. Hostile person - he or she is the kind of person who look at you as an enemy. Always looking for an opportunity to hit at you and constantly looking for your faults. He may have some of the sought after qualities, such as confidence or fluency in his speech, and he tend to look down and even bully those who are not within that category.
b. The constant moaner - this is the person sitting next to you who constantly moans and complaints. He complaints about the bosses, his colleagues or even his own workers. He may have the wrong perception that he is the better of the lots. The the constant complaints, he seem to be powerless to incur changes.
c. Unresponsive individual - this is a person who live in his own small enclosed world. He tend to do as little as possible . Possibly he is so afraid of making mistake and blamed for his action and put a facade to hide his lack of knowledge.
d. Know-all - He is looking for recognition and refuse to accept that he may not be knowledgeable.
e. Indecisive - he does not seem to be able to make decision. Or worst still, he changes his mind every few hours. He may be trying to analyse and get the best answer. As data may not be readily available, he cannot decide as yet.
These are some of the quoted examples of difficult people. May be we can help to avoid the pitfall.