Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Managing Work Stress at workplace

Stress related diseases are on the rise. It had let both the physical symptoms as well as the psychological problems. Some organisations try to reduce the impact by having special counselors to tackle the problems from the roots.


Managing work stress is more important today due the highly demanding work pressure. There are three main source of stress at the workplace:

-Demanding job
- Relationships at the workplace
- Personal problems at home

1. Demanding Job
It can be caused by high workload and the staff facing this problem will end up in fatigue and the tension caused by the fear of not able to complete the assignment. Some time the seemingly high job demand is caused by lack of skills or supporting facilities. If the actual causes can be identifies, it would be much easier to resolve.

Taking more than you chew can result to excessive demand. These problem is normally faced by people who cannot say no to a request.
The result of no able to cope with excessive demand will be low morale, constant apprehension of not able to complete the job, self-doubt or even panic. Some people may just throw the tower and walk out of the job.

2. Stress Caused by relationship at the work place:
The boss can be the source of stress. You feel being constant harassed and the boss has nothing better to do but to be finding fault. Despite how good your works and your contributions to the organisation, you will not be appreciated.

Uncooperative coworker or subordinate can also be the source of stress. It is not easy to sit at the office with your immediate neighbor who does not like you and making unbecoming remarks. A certain work system such as when everyone works in silo can encourage people to disregard the other. His total focus is on getting his job done.

3. Personal stress - There are people who has to bring their personal home problem to the work place. It can be his marital problem or financial problem, causing him to divert his focus from the tasks assigned. Although it is easy to say that problems at home not to be taken to work,it will difficult to do it.

Managing Stress

1. Many expert on stress management suggest to turn to the traditional practices such as yoga and meditation to restore the calmness in you. This can be excellent technique and you may choose the one that suited you.

However for workplace stress caused by jobs demands, there are a number of practical steps to be taken to manage the sources of stress:

__ prioritize your works, there are 2 basic groupings, important and unimportant and the other groupings are urgent and not urgent. The combination of these will divide the jobs into four groups, urgent and important, urgent and not important, not urgent but important and not urgent and not important. It is obvious that the not urgent an not important can be disregarded.

-- Manage your time - there are many program that teach time management. You can register into one of these. One of the methods that can be used is 'block booking' that allocate the time zone for specific group of work, foe example 0900- 0930 review and answer email.

-- Practice to say no, even to your boss - provide him the justification and your schedule and plan to complete the existing work. Then you may return back some of the assignment if he feel that you need to do the new job.

Managing the source of stress caused by relationship and personal stress:

a. Clarify the intent: It is better to clarify the situation with the person, sit down to and discuss on what seem to be the problem. You may be surprise that it may only be your perception. On the other hand there may be real issues that can be thrashed out to clear the air.

b. Seek support and helps. There may be some issues that you may overlook, get other that can be of help to share you problem. Be selective on who to ask, as if you get a wrong person, it can make the situation worst. Some organisation have a special counselling unit to help troubled staff.

Stress can be serious and affect work performance as well as your health. Taking steps to resolve the source and manage the stress will be beneficial on the long term.

joha rahman

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