Giving the present situation, companies have to compete globally. The countries boundaries can no longer offer safe protections against the foreign goods and products. Thus they have to improve productivity which normally translated to producing more with smaller number of staff. This will build up pressure on the management and the staff. The staff will normally put the blame on the management for leading the company into the limbo. To overcome this issue, everyone in the organisation has to work as a team, mutually supporting and trusting each other.
Many of the good staff will leave the organisation for a greener paster, and many a time, their reasons for leaving is very personal. In fact the work relationship and dissatisfaction of the bosses becomes the main reason for leaving, they leave the boss not the work.
Building Coaching Culture.
What can an organisation does to overcome the feeling of dissatisfaction and keep the staff felt motivated even in the critical time?. The answer is to build up a coaching culture in the organisation. Building culture requires a conducive environment. The organisation context and structure have to be in support of the culture. The success of the program will depend a great deal on the ability of the coaches to build up the relationship and develop the trust.
Equipping the staff with the required skills.
Like any other , to be a coach require specific skills. It is more or the leadership skill that require the coach to be a role model, counselor and supporter giving the support and challenge to the staff. Knowing when to coach and when not is a skill. You may opt to get the assistance from IAC, the International Association of Coaches, to provide courses and program for the potential coaches.
Giving Staff the marketable skills
Giving the skills will motivate staff and develop the trust. These are the important elements to ensure the success of the coaching program.
Results of the study by Manchester Inc. Florida on the benefits of coaching. The study include 100 executives from Fortune 1000.
Improvement to the company.
- productivity 53%
- quality 48%
- customer services 39%
- reduction in customers complaints 34%
- Cost reduction 23%
- profitability 22%
Improvements to the staff performance
- working relationship with immediate superior 77%
- teamwork 67%
- relationship with peers 63%
- job satisfaction 61%
- conflict resolution 52%
So based on the survey above, the result is very positive. It does prove he point that coaching create value to the organisation and helps to develop staffs' performance. This can start with the building the coaches within the organisation.
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