Friday, January 27, 2012

skills of good manager

If you are new to the job as a manager, you may be wondering what are skills of good manager. Believe me, this question is being asked even be a seasoned manager.

Why is it so. There are many reasons. To start with, the type of skill set has changed. This is caused by the change of the environment and the changing challenges of business. Twenty years ago, there was no such thing as the internet, now the skillful usage of internet is becoming a necessity.

Enclosed below are the required quality of a good manager. Learn it and you will be respected by your staff and your bosses. Respect and trust are necessary to enable you to get your jobs done.

1. Expertise: It does not matter in what business you are in and in what department you are working, you need to have the basic knowledge of your business. If you work in an airline, you need to know airline business. If you company is offering public training and education, you need to know about training and education.

Having the business knowledge is important to know what is important to the business. It can also become a common trait that unite all the staff an an organisation.

2. People centered. Researches have shown that as you go higher in the corporate ladders, the focus is shifting from task centered to people centered. People centered does not mean that your neglect to focus on getting the result. However the method of getting the result has changed significantly. Instead of focusing on how to do the job personally, as a manager, the focus now is on how to get other people to do the job effectively. The basic definition of manager is getting the job done through another people.

3. Experienced. The experiences are not necessarily translated to mean the number of years in services. It is about the richness and the variety. Your ability to perform multi-task, drive result and manage the scarce resources are important. It is easy to manage in time of abundance, and more demanding at time of hardship.

4. Integrity. It is the ability to uphold principles and know what is right and wrong. The basic business ethic and religious value will shape ones behavior both when hard-pressed or in the absent of observers.
Without the solid foundation, it becomes too easy to sway into 'illegal' or morally questionable decisions of behaviors. The basis ethics study the issue of rights and wrongs and the relationship of means to the ends. It always fall short compared to the religious guidance.

5. Good Communicator. Many may fall into the trap of thinking that good communicator is the ability to deliver good speech or lively presentation. They are known as good orators or presenters. Communication of the process sending and receiving message and it has always have to be two ways.
We may meet leaders or managers who are good orators, and dislike to hear things of not to his liking. This sort of leaders or managers remind me of the old fable of the " The Emperor's New Invisible Clothes" Probably it best to leave him/her on frolic of his own.

There more to the required skills for a good manager. The above act as the foundation or as the basic building block. The other will be built upon a solid base.